AcuDetox/AcuWellness is a five-point acupuncture protocol and a proven method to reduce cravings and symptoms of withdrawal. AcuDetox/AcuWellness is a natural form of relief from trauma, pain, anxiety, insomnia, cravings, withdrawals, and agitation. The ear acupuncture also relaxes the nervous system, calms emotions, and balances the energy levels in the body.
Ear Seeds
Ear seeds use actual or synthetic seeds to stimulate pressure points in the ear. Proponents of auriculotherapy, a form of acupuncture or acupressure focused on the ears, believe that a person can use seeds to stimulate the pressure points and relieve various symptoms throughout the body such as headaches/migraines, physical pain, ADHD, anxiety, and much more. Ear seeds are a noninvasive treatment option for children or people with an aversion to needles.
Children’s Wellness Center of Colorado, PLLC is able to supervise new AcuDetox/AcuWellness trainees during or post completed training. Please contact us at: 720-662-7862 ext. 0 or email us at: for more information